Saturday, May 19, 2012

Updates on St. Andrews, Senior year, and everything in between

Hello! I guess I'll go in order of the title.

St. Andrews:
I received an email from the registrar a few weeks ago, and now I have everything I need to set up an email, register for classes, and find out information about orientation. I set up my email, and I feel really official now! I can sign up for classes, but nothing will be official until I meet with my advisor during orientation week. I have to take 3 classes each semester, each class worth 20 credits. I know 3 classes doesn't sound like a lot, but they meet more often then classes at American universities usually meet (like 4 lectures a week plus 1lab). So I'm obviously taking a Psychology course (Pretty much Intro to Psych.), but I have no idea what I want to take for my other 2 classes. I could do biology because that would help me if I want to go into neuroscience. I was looking at the Classics courses, and I saw some really interesting Greek and Roman history classes. Then my friend warned me that those classes might be really difficult, and I should be careful with what I'm getting myself into. But, I'm already throwing myself into a new country, and I have no idea what getting myself into anyway, so why start now?

Senior Year:

Today was the last day of classes for seniors. Since my first 3 classes for today were A.P. classes, I only had to go to my last class (Bible). It is so weird to think that I am done with high school. It is also four months to the day until I start classes at St. Andrews. I don't know what to do with myself now!!!!!
My mom told me to relax, and my friend told me to sleep... those are two words that dropped out of my vocabulary long ago.

Anyway, here is what I've been up to the past few weeks. About a month ago, our choir, band, and orchestra went to competition in San Antonio, and we came first in every category! It was a fun trip and there are some really great memories and jokes that came back with us. (Like the crack in the wall...if you are ever in a hotel room and you hear strange voices, always check to see if there is a crack in the wall!) My final spring choir concert was a week after that. Let's see...two of my friends and I hosted a graduation party the last weekend of April. It was Dr. Seuss themed, and we based it off the book Oh The Places You'll Go. It's a pretty classic graduation book. We had tea and dressed up super colorfully! We also had an ice cream bar, bubbles, and The Lorax soundtrack...what else do you need for a party?

Then we encountered the dark days, the journey to hell, the pit of despair...also known officially as A.P. testing. For some reason, I thought it would be perfectly reasonable to take 5 A.P. tests. Four of them were in the same week. I took Psychology (Monday), AB Calculus (Wednesday), English Lit. (Thursday), European History (Friday), and Biology (Monday). Yeah.... but I got through them; we all did.  Now we get to wait until the third week of July to get our scores...

So coming up: Tomorrow is prom!! Pictures and probably another blog post will come! To celebrate the fact that we actually have free time, my friends are throwing an Avengers marathon next week! We have the Senior Awards Ceremony next week, graduation rehearsal the week after that, and then graduation on May 31st!

Colorful dresses!

Fancy table setting 

Last time wearing a school uniform EVER!!! Goodbye pleated khaki and plaid skirts!

Everything in between:
Well, the second season of BBC's Sherlock has been playing the past couple of weeks. The third and final episode, "The Reichenbach Fall," is tomorrow on PBS. About time it airs in the U.S.! I'm not liking the whole 5 month difference between Britain and here! Fortunately, I have a friend with a multi-regional dvd player... But when I'm in Scotland, I won't have to wait!!!
Since I have this thing called free time now, I've actually gotten to read...for fun. As much as I enjoyed reading about the depths of human greed and depravity in Heart of Darkness, something a little lighter is nice. I just finished a book called When I Go to Sleep, which is a story about an amnesiac who forgets everything when she goes to sleep at night. The amnesiac is a woman who is trying to piece her life together and figure out exactly what happend to her. I just realized how much this sounds like the Bourne trilogy.... Anyway, coming up on my list is The Language of Flowers and The Informationalist.

So, I think that's it. I'm going to go face paint at the Greek Festival now...


  1. Sorry for taking so long to comment - totally missed this post! Can't wait for you to put up prom pics!

  2. I am with Alexandra sorry it is taking log to respond... awesome post by the way
