Monday, February 6, 2012

University of St. Andrews

So about a month ago, I was accepted at the University of St. Andrews! It was the middle of finals week, and I had just finished/given up studying for my A.P. European History final when I saw the email. It was past midnight, and my parents were a little confused when I came in to their room screaming. Anyway, I've accepted the offer, and I guess it's official now!

First of all, a couple of points to clear up:
1. Yes, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. 
2. Yes, it's super old (600 years next year).
3. Yes, this is where Prince William went. And no, that is not why I'm going!

Those points seem to be brought up regularly whenever somebody asks me where I am going to college, and being a senior in high school, I find myself in those conversations pretty often! People also ask me what sparked my interest my interest in St. Andrews. Well, I've always wanted to study abroad, and I love traveling. I also love Scotland! I've been once, on a school trip my sophomore year during Christmas break. I first discovered St. Andrews in the back of my college guide, and the more I looked into it, the more I wanted to go. St. Andrews also has a good psychology department, which is what I'm going into.

So a couple of my friends suggested that I start a blog to "record my experiences" (more like keep track of the super awkward situations I'll find myself in as I try to figure out how to live in a new country). The more I think about St. Andrews, the more questions I seem to have.

1. Food: What will I eat? IS THERE PEANUT BUTTER OVER THERE? Peanut butter is my staple food, so I need to figure this out.
2. How thick will the accents be? Will I be able to understand my professors? That's sort of important.
3. Am I going to freeze to death or get blown into the North Sea? What kind of clothes do I need to get? Houston clothing ≠ Scotland clothing
4. Will I fit in with people there? I am a fan of a lot of British stuff! My favorite shows are Doctor Who and Sherlock, and I keep up with more British actors than American (Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Martin Freeman, Andrew Scott....)

Well, these are just a few of my questions. I'm sure there will be more to come. And now, to make this post more colorful, pictures! These are from my first trip to Scotland two years ago!

Me standing on the shore of the Irish sea!

Pretty landscape!

Winter sunrise! (taken way too early one morning!)

Main street in Edinburgh